Fall Tree Tour 2018
The CTUFC Fall Tree Tour will focus on great trees of Tarrant County
National Champion Texas Red Oak
National Champion Jujube
State Champion Black Willow
State Champion Bur Oak
Regional Champion Arizona Cypress
Regional Champion Sweetgum
Regional Champion Blackjack Oak
Regional Champion Green Ash
Regional Co-champion Magnolia
Champion English Walnut
Native Chinquapin Oaks, FW Heritage Trees
Royal Flying Corps Live Oak, FW Heritage Tree
Detailed discussion on each species and their place in the urban landscape. This will be a bus tour. The bus is equipped with a restroom and loudspeaker. Lunch will be included at Spring Creek Bar-B-Q in Lake Worth.
Please arrive at the south end of the Ridgmar Mall Parking lot, nearest I-30 by 8:30am. Departure at 8:45am. Tour Fee $60.
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